H:>net statistics workstation
Workstation Statistics for SystemName Statistics since 10/17/2011 11:51 AM Bytes received 1886516
Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received 11097
Bytes transmitted 19042298
Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted 11071
Read operations 1224
Write operations 88
Raw reads denied 0
Raw writes denied 0 Network errors 0
Connections made 40
Reconnections made 2
Server disconnects 5 Sessions started 0
Hung sessions 0
Failed sessions 0
Failed operations 0
Use count 45
Failed use count 1 The command completed successfully. H:>net statistics
Statistics are available for the following running services: Server
Workstation The command completed successfully. H:>net statistics server
Server Statistics for SystemName Statistics since 10/17/2011 11:52 AM Sessions accepted 1
Sessions timed-out 0
Sessions errored-out 1 Kilobytes sent 41
Kilobytes received 68 Mean response time (msec) 0 System errors 0
Permission violations 0
Password violations 0 Files accessed 25
Communication devices accessed 0
Print jobs spooled 0 Times buffers exhausted Big buffers 0
Request buffers 0 The command completed successfully. H:>