Demystifying Active Directory: Domains, Forests, and Key Concepts

Demystifying Active Directory: Domains, Forests, and Key Concepts Introduction: In the world of network management and security, Active Directory (AD) stands as a cornerstone technology. Developed by Microsoft, it offers a comprehensive framework for centralizing resource management, user authentication, and access control within a networked environment. This blog post aims to shed light on the … Read more

For finding the 90 days old computers in the AD

    For finding the 90 days old computers in the AD DSQUERY COMPUTER “DC=MydomainName,DC=COM” -STALEPWD 90 -LIMIT 5000 >> C:output.csv for finding the 90 days old computers in the AD & action to delete with the output DSQUERY COMPUTER “OU=COMPUTERS,DC=LANDESK,DC=COM” -STALEPWD 90 -LIMIT 5000 | DSRM -NOPROMPT >C:Output.csv

Active Directory end to end

What is Active Directory? (This article taken it from and all rights and credits goes to Active Directory (AD) is a technology created by Microsoft to provide network services including LDAP directory services, Kerberos based authentication, DNS naming, secure access to resources, and more. Active Directory uses a single Jet database which a … Read more