Using VBScript to Export All Objects in the Marketing OU
In this example, you use a text editor such as Notepad to create a VBScript program. The script searches the Marketing OU and creates a text file that lists all of the user objects and a subset of their attributes. To create the export script
- Copy the following text into your text editor:
'Global variables Dim oContainer Dim OutPutFile Dim FileSystem 'Initialize global variables Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("marketing.txt", True) SetoContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=marketing,DC=reskit,DC=com") 'Enumerate Container EnumerateUsers oContainer 'Clean up OutPutFile.Close Set FileSystem = Nothing Set oContainer = Nothing WScript.Echo "Finished" WScript.Quit(0) Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont) Dim oUser For Each oUser In oCont Select Case LCase(oUser.Class) Case "user" If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then OutPutFile.WriteLine "dn: " & oUser.distinguishedName End If If Not IsEmpty( Then OutPutFile.WriteLine "name: " & oUser.Get ("name") End If 'need to do this because would get back the Relative Distinguished name (i.e. CN=Jo Brown) If Not IsEmpty( Then OutPutFile.WriteLine "st: " & End If If Not IsEmpty(oUser.streetAddress) Then OutPutFile.WriteLine "streetAddress: " & oUser.streetAddress End If Case "organizationalunit" , "container" EnumerateUsers oUser End Select OutPutFile.WriteLine Next End Sub
- Save the file as Export.vbs.
- At the command prompt type export.vbs and press Enter. This creates a file named Marketing.txt, which contains a list of users and some of their attributes, such as distinguished name, name, state, and street address.
With appropriate modification, this script can be used with any application that supports COM and Visual Basic technologies. Such applications include Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Access. Scripting can also be hosted by Internet Explorer and Internet Information Services 5.0, which is part of Windows 2000 Server.
Using VBScript to Modify All Objects in the Marketing OU
In this example, the Marketing organization has moved to a new office address. A simple VBScript program is used to perform a batch modification for all user objects in the Marketing organization. The script alters the state, street, locality, and postal code attributes.
- Copy the following text into your text editor:
Dim oContainer Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP:// OU=marketing,DC=reskit,DC=com") ModifyUsers oContainer 'cleanup Set oContainer = Nothing WScript.Echo "Finished" Sub ModifyUsers(oObject) Dim oUser oObject.Filter = Array("user") For Each oUser in oObject oUser.Put "st","New York" oUser.Put "streetAddress","825 Eighth Avenue" oUser.Put "postalCode","10019" oUser.Put "l","New York" oUser.SetInfo Next End Sub
- Save the file as Modify.vbs.
- At the command prompt, type modify.vbs and press Enter. This processes all objects in the Marketing organizational unit and modifies all users, altering the state, street address, postal code, and locality attributes.
Using VBScript to Create a User Object in the Marketing OU
In this example, you use VBScript to add a new user to the Marketing organization. This example illustrates how easy it is to use ADSI and VBScript to programmatically access the directory. Note that in this example, only a limited set of attributes are configured during the user creation. To create the script and add the user
- Copy the following text into your text editor:
Dim oContainer 'Parent container of new user Dim oUser 'Created user 'Get parentcontainerSetoContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=marketing, DC=reskit,DC=com") 'Create user Set oUser = oContainer.Create("User","CN=Jo Brown") 'Assign properties values to user oUser.Put "samAccountName","Jo" oUser.Put "givenName","Jo" oUser.Put "sn","Brown" oUser.Put "userPrincipalName","" oUser.SetInfo 'Clean up Set oUser = Nothing Set oContainer = Nothing WScript.Echo "Finished"
- Save the file as Adduser.vbs.
- At the command prompt, type adduser.vbs and press Enter. This creates a new user named Jo Brown in the Marketing OU.
Using VBScript to Delete a User
In this example, you use VBScript to delete a user from the Marketing organization.
- Copy the following text into your text editor:
Dim oContainer 'Parent container of object to be deleted 'Get parent container Set oContainer=GetObject("LDAP://OU=marketing, DC=reskit,DC=com") 'Delete user oContainer.Delete "user","CN=Jo Brown" 'Clean up Set oContainer = Nothing WScript.Echo "Finished"
- Save the file as Deluser.vbs.
- At the command prompt, type deluser.vbs and press Enter. This deletes the user Jo Brown from the Marketing OU.