Securing Windows Systems with Intune: Deploying PowerShell Script for Automated Local Admin Account Management
I have a situation where I need to create a local administrator account with Microsoft Intune Powershell script and deploy it to Windows Devices.
Key Features:
- Create a local account
- Add account to Local administrators Group
- Set password to never expire and can;t change
Deploy from Intune as Powershell script Ready to Deploy? Download the below script.
# Script: Create-Local-admin-account.ps1
# Scope: Creates new local admin account and adds it to the Administrators group, Sets password never Expire and can;t change Password
$Username = "Local-Admin"
$Password = "LocalAdmin&123"
$group = "Administrators"
$adsidetails = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:COMPUTERNAME"
$usercheck = $adsidetails.Children | Where-Object { $_.SchemaClassName -eq 'user' -and $_.Name -eq $Username }
if ($usercheck -eq $null) {
try {
# Create a new local user
& NET USER $Username $Password /add /y /expires:never /passwordchg:no
# Add the local user to the Administrators group
& NET LOCALGROUP $group $Username /add
Write-Host "Successfully created and added $($Username) to $($group)."
catch {
Write-Host "Error creating or adding $($Username): $_"
exit 1 # Exit with an error code
} else {
try {
# Set the password for an existing local user
Write-Host "Successfully set the password for existing local user $($Username)."
catch {
Write-Host "Error setting the password for $($Username): $_"
exit 1 # Exit with an error code
try {
# Set the password for $Username to never expire using Set-LocalUser
Set-LocalUser -Name $Username -PasswordNeverExpires $true
Write-Host "Successfully set the password for $($Username) to never expire."
catch {
Write-Host "Error setting password to never expire for $($Username): $_"
exit 1 # Exit with an error code