Move the SMS Provider

How to Move the SMS Provider
The SMS Provider is a component of Configuration Manager 2007 primary sites and is used by Configuration Manager consoles to access site database information from the SQL Server hosting the site database. The SMS Provider is a dynamic-link library file (smsprov.dll) and is installed or moved by running Configuration Manager 2007 Setup. You can install the SMS Provider on the primary site server computer, the computer hosting the site database server, or another computer not hosting the primary site or site database. A server class operating system is required to install the SMS Provider on a computer other than the site server or site database server computers.

Installing the SMS Provider on a virtual SQL Server cluster instance is not supported. You can move the SMS Provider after setup has completed to a different server computer system by starting Configuration Manager Setup from the Start menu (if the SMS Provider is installed on the primary site server) or from the Configuration Manager installation media.

To move the SMS Provider using the Start menu

  1. Close any open Configuration Manager console connections to the site server.
  2. On the primary site server computer, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft System Center, click Configuration Manager 2007, and click ConfigMgr Setup, or navigate to the .bini386 directory of the Configuration Manager 2007 installation media and double-click Setup.exe.
  3. Click Next on the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard Welcome page.
  4. Click Perform site maintenance or reset this site on the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard Setup Options page.
  5. Select Modify SMS Provider configuration on the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard Site Maintenance page.
  6. Enter the appropriate installation location for the SMS Provider on the Configuration Manager Setup Wizard SMS Provider Settings Modification page.
  7. Configuration Manager Setup performs the SMS Provider reinstallation process.

Enjoy, Paddy

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