Windows 2008 IIS Common Issue on MP : Make sure you need to meet this settings on your windows 2008 server
Windows 2008 IIS Common Issue on MP : Make sure you need to meet this settings on your windows 2008 server
Windows 2008 IIS Common Issue on MP : Make sure you need to meet this settings on your windows 2008 server
To check if a Management Point is up and running we have the mplist and mpcert http URLs that we can open in Internet Explorer. We don’t have such URLs to test if a Distribution Point (DP) is up. Management Point and Distribution Point servers are very different roles. The Management Point is a conduit … Read more
Troubleshooting SMS 2003 MP and SLP This article provides methods to verify the operation of Management Points and Server Locator Points in Microsoft SMS 2003 Test a management point is functioning correctly: https://MP_Server/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mplist – This returns a blank screen if the MP is working correctly. https://MP_Server/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mpcert – This returns a hex string if the MP … Read more
Just below point when ever you stuck with MP issues 1) Run https://<MP name>/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mplist This returns a blank screen. 2) Run https://<MP name>/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mpcert This returns a long list of numbers and letters. 3) Verify that the DTS Service is enabled. 4) Verify that the Task Scheduler is enabled. 5) Verify that the Windows Management … Read more
https://<ManagementPointComptuerName>/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mplisthttps://<ManagementPointComptuerName>/sms_mp/.sms_aut?mpcert ——————-Thanks,