Export the task sequence SCCM 2012 to XML format (legacy format of sccm 2007)
SCCM 2012 task sequences can be exported in .zip format and when we handle/extract it will not work.
Below is only applicable from sccm 2012 SP1 and above
With help of Power shell we can extract this in XML format.
Import-Module “C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Configuration ManagerAdminConsolebinConfigurationManager.psd1”
(Get-CMTaskSequence | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "TEST_TS"}).Sequence | Out-File c:tempTSsequence.txt
For Importing
param (
# What does it do?
# Script imports a previously "exported" TaskSequence from CM12 to CM12
# Howto: Extract the TaskSequence with the following command:
# (Get-CMTaskSequence | where-object {$_.Name -eq $NameOfTaskSequence}).Sequence | Out-File $PathToExportFile
# This will be your $InputFile
# Author: David O'Brien, david.obrien@sepago.de
# Created: 28.09.2012
# Prerequisites:
# - Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 (beta)
# - ConfigMgr Powershell to get your existing TaskSequence
$Class = "SMS_TaskSequencePackage"
$Instance = $null
$TS = $null
$NewSequence = $null
$TS = [wmiclass]".rootsmssite_$($SiteCode):$($Class)"
$Instance = $TS.CreateInstance()
$SequenceFile = Get-Content $InputFile
$NewSequence = $Ts.ImportSequence($SequenceFile).TaskSequence
$Instance.Name = "$TaskSequenceName"
$NewTSPackageID = $TS.SetSequence($Instance, $NewSequence).SavedTaskSequencePackagePath