Hyper-V Server 2008 R2

Inherent Savings from Server Virtualization
Server consolidation Savings
Electrical Power Savings
Environmental Impact Savings
Space Savings
Getting started tools
MAP & HyperGreen
Extended benefits with Rapid Provisioning
Inherent Savings from Server Virtualization
Advantages of Microsoft’s Platform Approach
Lowering cost through Microsoft’s Innovative Licensing
Server consolidation Savings
Electrical Power Savings
Environmental Impact Savings
Space Savings

Free “Hyper-V Server 2008 R2” with High Availability
Built-in Windows Server 2008 Features
High Availability
Energy Efficiency
More choice on hardware
Integrated Physical and Virtual Management
Savings and Training and Support


MAP & HyperGreen
Extended benefits with Rapid Provisioning
MAP 4.0

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