Why we need to Upgrade to SCCM 2007 from SMS2003 ?

Configuration Manager Feature Comparison Matrix Feature SMS 2003 SCCM 2007
Administrative UI
Product Install Good Improved, Pre-requisite checking
Drag-and-Drop No Yes
Multi-select No Yes
Actions Pane No Yes
Preview Pane No Yes
Wizards Some Pervasive
Homepages No Yes
Icons NT 3.51-style High Precision
Folders Only organizational, no replication Organizational and Search Folders; replication to child sites
Operating System Deployment
End-to-end deployment Yes1 Yes
Fully automated No1 Yes
Wipe-and-load upgrade Yes Yes
Bare metal deployment w/PXE Loose integration w/RIS Built-in integration w/WDS
Side-by-side BDD scripts Yes, w/built-in SMP
Fully offline deployment No1 Yes
Integrated Vista upgrade planning No Yes
Full server deployment No Yes
Security Good Much stronger
Flexibility/customizability Good Excellent
Vista/Windows Server 2008 compatibility Good Excellent2
Device driver management No* Yes
Boot Image Management No* Yes
Task Sequencing Basic Excellent
Asset Management
Asset Inventory Good3 Much Improved
Integration with Usage Monitoring No Yes
Database Updates Service Packs Service Packs, Online Updates
Security and Configuration Management
Desired Configuration Management No4 Yes
Pre-Defined Configuration Packs No Yes
Quarantine Support (NAP integration) No Yes
Manage over Internet VPN Required No VPN Needed
Smartphone/PDA Support When Cradled Wireless & Over-the-Air
Patch & Update Management Good – Add-on pack Excellent – Integrated with WSUS 3.0
Secure network storage of user state during Operating System deployment  

No   Yes  

    1 – Capable with the addition of the Business Desktop Solution Accelerator 2 – Windows Server 2008 Support requires System Center Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 or greater. 3- Asset Intelligence was introduced with SMS 2003 Service Pack 3 4- Desired Configuration Monitoring is a Solution Accelerator add-on to SMS 2003

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