How to change the SCCM Client Log files size to Max value that you want

Sometimes or other we might need to retain the max size of log files for reading/analyzing. Here are some useful info………… in this regards…………. Client side reference registry For X86 systems –          HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftCCMLogging@GLOBAL For X64 systems –          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftCCMLogging@GLOBAL   The reference key is Log Maxsize I tried to change manually by regedit how it is … Read more

Native Mode Client installation command line – example

Here is a sample command line for my lab site MED   Ccmsetup.exe / /native:FALLBACK SMSSITECODE=MED   issue found after following the document on 2008 Servers only but worked fine for 2003. SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER saying “SMS Policy Provider has failed to sign one or more policy assignments. It will retry this operation automatically.” … Read more

One other Great tool to fix client actions without Console (Right click tools)

I Just checked the tool and found it would useful for one works on SCCM Client health It has key features as below   Initiate most common SCCM client schedule actions. Initiate SCCM client health checks and fixes. Allows running checks with and without fixes as well as full health check. Initiate basic administrative actions … Read more

Good talking about Client Health common issues that we encounter in real world.

Good talking about Client Health common issues that we encounter in real world.   Take some time to focus on some common issues with client installation and communication issues, as well as a couple of tools that make troubleshooting infinitely easier. SCCM Tools available First up I want to list 3 of the primary tools … Read more

For finding the 90 days old computers in the AD

    For finding the 90 days old computers in the AD DSQUERY COMPUTER “DC=MydomainName,DC=COM” -STALEPWD 90 -LIMIT 5000 >> C:output.csv for finding the 90 days old computers in the AD & action to delete with the output DSQUERY COMPUTER “OU=COMPUTERS,DC=LANDESK,DC=COM” -STALEPWD 90 -LIMIT 5000 | DSRM -NOPROMPT >C:Output.csv

SMS 2003 Client Health : GP Based Script

Source:-   Overview Workstation Client Health maintenance is a continuous process that must be maintained. The following document gives an overview on how to fix several common workstation issues. CliFix GPO startup script :- Can be downloaded from here In an effort to reduce the amount of common workstation issues I have developed a … Read more